August 19, 2011

Fashion for the Soul

Two of my favorite things: 1-Fashionable Clothes, and 2—Reality TV shows. The show “Project Runway” brings these two loves of mine together for 60 minutes of pure entertainment… I love it. If you have never seen the show; it is a reality show documenting a competition amongst future-fashion-designer hopefuls. Every week they have a new challenging assignment to create something “Chic” with little time and little budget, and sometimes little supplies. At the end each episode the creations are modeled down a runway in a fashion show of sorts and are judged by famous fashionable celebrity judges… and the worst outfit’s designer goes home.

Last night the challenge was to design a look for Nina Garcia, the fashion editor of Marie Claire magazine and Project Runway’s “Simon Cowell” of judges, to wear to an upcoming photo shoot. The guest judge was Marie Claire’s editor and chief (and Nina’s boss,) Joanna Coles. After watching the fashions sashay down the runway the judges got together to discuss their favorites and their most hated. Joanna Coles’ remarks were the best; she said,“Clothes are emotional. When you put them on, they make you feel something and they make other people feel something when they see you in them.” About the look she disliked she said, “Are you depressed?” and when she discussed her favorite outfit she said, “That shirt would make you feel like a million bucks, you would have a wonderful day when you wore that top and exciting things would happen to you!”

I giggled a little when I thought about the idea of having a magical type of day just by choosing to wear a beautiful, flattering, fabulous blouse. But as I thought a bit more about it I thought, it was kind of true-- good clothes make you feel good, when you feel good, you have a good day.

So, if the way we are clothing our bodies can effect how we feel, how much more important then is the way we are clothing our spirits? In Ephesians 6, the Bible tells us to “Put on the full armor of God.”

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. 12 For our struggle is not against [e]flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. 14 Stand firm therefore, HAVING GIRDED YOUR LOINS WITH TRUTH, and HAVING PUT ON THE BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, 15 and having shod YOUR FEET WITH THE PREPARATION OF THE GOSPEL OF PEACE; 16[f]in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 And take THE HELMET OF SALVATION, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Could you imagine how amazing your day could be if you woke in the morning and clothed your spirit with characteristics like truth, righteousness, and peace? You would definitely be living the “fabulous” life! Looking good, and feeling good go hand in hand, so treat yourself well, body and spirit.

Posted by Devyn Lundy

Critics Are Everywhere

Written by Zig Ziglar
 posted by Kori Carew

There’s an old saying – and I believe it’s true – “Nobody has ever erected a statue to a critic.”  Davy Crockett had a simple motto which said, “Make sure you’re right – then go ahead.”  The reality is, all of us have faced our own moments (sometimes much longer than that) of criticism.  No matter what your career or occupation, the more successful you become, the more criticism you are likely to receive.  Some of that criticism is based on jealousy; some will come from those who don’t understand your objectives, and some from those who make a habit of finding fault like there was a reward for it.  Actually, only those who don’t attempt anything will remain above criticism.

Frederick the Great said, “I go through my appointed daily rounds, and I care not for the curs who bark at me along the road.”  Being criticized is not a problem if you develop a positive way to deal with it.  Winston Churchill framed on the wall of his office the following words of Abe Lincoln: “I do the very best I can; I mean to keep going.  If the end brings me out all right, then what is said against me won’t matter.  If I’m wrong, ten angels swearing I was right won’t make a difference.”

That was good strategy and good advice for Churchill to follow because he received much criticism in his lifetime.  Abe Lincoln was roundly criticized in his day, just as many of our public figures are today.  It takes a person of great courage to forge ahead and do what he honestly believes to be right when critics are howling against him.  The person with conviction, the one as Davy Crockett said “who knows he’s right,” will simply go ahead.

I encourage you to follow that advice.  Go ahead with the projects you believe in if they are morally and ethically sound and you believe in them enough to pursue them with determination. Take that approach and I really will SEE YOU AT THE TOP!

August 5, 2011

Goodnight toes.

Last night I tucked my three year old in bed, sang her a song, and kissed her forehead, and I did a silly little bedtime thing I used to do with my six year old, when he was about her age. I said goodnight to each of her little parts, starting with her head. I said goodnight to her eyes, her eyelashes, her nose, her ears, and her toes. I said it sweetly with her name and I called out the special part of her, “goodnight Lia’s hair,” “goodnight Lia’s eyebrow,” “goodnight Lia’s other eyebrow,” and so on. Each time I said goodnight to a part of my beautiful little girl, I gently brushed my finger across it. “Goodnight Lia’s mouth,” “goodnight Lia’s teeth” (that one always brings a giggle, as she clamps her mouth shut with laughter.) “goodnight Lia’s nose.” She loved it. Both of my kids love it. As soon as my son heard us doing this last night, he called out from the next room. “Do it to me too… Mom!”

I love it too. A moment between my child and I, to show them how much I love them, and just thank God for every part of these wonderful little blessings in my life. What easier way to show my children that every single part of them is wonderfully made, and special? It’s so fun. 

(It’s particularly fun to get to those little toes.) 

“Goodnight Lia’s toes.”

“Kiss my toes mommy! I dare you,” she giggled.

(Yikes… we skipped baths tonight, but okay.. here it goes… goodnight cute little stinky toes…)

kiss. kiss.

After climbing in my own bed last night, I thought about that little routine and just marveled at how much my children love it. I thought about how much love is passed from parent to child and child to parent, in that little exchange. And how I should remember to pause- and do that each night.

Then I thought about God. I thought about how much he loves me, and how I am His little child. And I imagined Him right there in my room, tucking me in, saying goodnight to me, and blessing each of my little parts, one at a time.

I closed my eyes, and let Him bless each part of me.

I started the same way I do with my kids… on my forehead. I could feel the warmth of His presence in my heart, as I let Him bless my head, my hair, my brain, my eye, my other eye

And, since I am a bit bigger than my children (and perhaps full of a few more self imposed complexities,) I turned this little bedtime routine into a back and forth exchange with Him. As He blessed me, I offered Him a prayer, and asked for guidance as he touched each little part of me… “goodnight Pam’s eyes” (Lord, help me to see you more clearly) “goodnight Pam’s mouth” (guide my words, and help me to speak in honor of You, Lord.) ‘goodnight Pam’s heart” (Lord cleanse my soul, give me a pure heart, and let my heart reach other peoples’ hearts in your name.) etc…

And in a few areas, I asked for His healing. (Heal that part Lord. It hurts. Help me.)

Or I thanked Him… (Thank you Lord for my health, for that moment, for that part.)

Or forgiveness... (I am sorry Lord.)

I can’t tell you how wonderful it was to feel His tender love, touching and knowing every single part of me.

Lord, help me remember that you are my Daddy and that you love me and that you tuck me in each night, and that you are with me, everyday, all the time... for every piece and part of me. You made me just the way I am, and I am wonderfully made, just the way I should be.

Let Him tuck you in tonight.

Psalm 139: 14
(14) I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Matthew 10: 29-31
(29) Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. (30) And even the hairs of your head are all numbered. (31) So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

Posted by Pamela Martin

Verse of the Day