August 19, 2011

Critics Are Everywhere

Written by Zig Ziglar
 posted by Kori Carew

There’s an old saying – and I believe it’s true – “Nobody has ever erected a statue to a critic.”  Davy Crockett had a simple motto which said, “Make sure you’re right – then go ahead.”  The reality is, all of us have faced our own moments (sometimes much longer than that) of criticism.  No matter what your career or occupation, the more successful you become, the more criticism you are likely to receive.  Some of that criticism is based on jealousy; some will come from those who don’t understand your objectives, and some from those who make a habit of finding fault like there was a reward for it.  Actually, only those who don’t attempt anything will remain above criticism.

Frederick the Great said, “I go through my appointed daily rounds, and I care not for the curs who bark at me along the road.”  Being criticized is not a problem if you develop a positive way to deal with it.  Winston Churchill framed on the wall of his office the following words of Abe Lincoln: “I do the very best I can; I mean to keep going.  If the end brings me out all right, then what is said against me won’t matter.  If I’m wrong, ten angels swearing I was right won’t make a difference.”

That was good strategy and good advice for Churchill to follow because he received much criticism in his lifetime.  Abe Lincoln was roundly criticized in his day, just as many of our public figures are today.  It takes a person of great courage to forge ahead and do what he honestly believes to be right when critics are howling against him.  The person with conviction, the one as Davy Crockett said “who knows he’s right,” will simply go ahead.

I encourage you to follow that advice.  Go ahead with the projects you believe in if they are morally and ethically sound and you believe in them enough to pursue them with determination. Take that approach and I really will SEE YOU AT THE TOP!

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