February 24, 2011

Hanky Panky Challenge is drawing to an end

There are only a few more days left of our annual Hanky Panky Challenge!  Don't loose momentum now!

  What I love about the HPC is it makes me focus on the FUN part of marriage.  Its easy to get caught up in the every day grind of bill paying, child raising, job going, household running of marriage.  I love the rebooting the HPC brings to our minds and reminds us about the romance, the cuddling, the supporting, the kissing, the loving that marriage also is.

In these last few days of the challenge.. I have been thinking back about my unmarried life and what I promised myself  I would do when I was married--- like wear fancy, frilly, pjs to bed every night, always kiss my husband good bye before he goes to work , cuddle on the couch with my husband for at least the length of a half hour sitcom every night... stuff like that.  Normally I don't do all those things every day (especially the pj thing... usually i wear some huge old pj pants and a old worn out tee shirt)  but this week I am going to try.   What are you going to try?  What did you dream marriage would be like?  What can you do to help those dreams come to light? 

And even though there are only a few more days left of the actual challenge... lets try to bring Hanky Panky to our marriages all year long (at least something special once a week??) Now that is a challenge!!!  Good luck ladies!

 *try slipping one of these little numbers on before going to bed--- in the name of Hanky Panky!

February 17, 2011


If you are looking for a great book to read---one that is as entertaining to read as Twilight, but also good for your relationship with God---look no further than Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers.  It is the story of the Bible's book of Hosea retold in the setting of California in the 1850's during the gold rush.  Its a story of a man who loved his imperfect wife just as Christ loves the church, sacrificial, and unconditionally. No matter how many times his wife would leave him, be unfaithful, break his heart, he kept on loving her and praying for her.. until one day she was a new and redeemed woman.  I love the story  for many reasons, one it is such a good illustration of how God loves us... he rescues us from the muck and grime we get stuck in, and even though we run away time after time, he is always there waiting for us to return and when we do He loves us and forgives us. Also, what a perfect time to read this book as we are learning about healthy relationships at Mercy Church, this book follows a couple's relationship from weak and shallow to strong and grounded... its a story all about relationships!  Another reason-- it's just plain good... seriously, you'll laugh, you'll cry, your tummy will get butterflies!  It's a great read!  Check it out!
posted by Devyn Lundy

February 10, 2011

Hanky Panky Challenge time....

Its February and that means its Hanky Panky time at Mercy Church!  Hanky Panky is all about strengthening our relationships with our spouses and focusing on fulfilling the needs of our mate... (emotionally, and physically.)

Now for us ladies.. we are probably wanting our husbands to be more romance minded... we want bubble baths, massages, flowers, thoughtful notes, warm embraces.. etc. etc. 

Our husbands, however, are probably wanting our physical relationships spiced up.  So what are you doing to introduce or reacquaint your man to your inner-vixen?

Here are some quick and simple ideas for you to test out:

1. Send him romantic or "suggestive" texts through out the day..make sure you mention how strong and hot he is.. and to really rev it up.. send him a picture message of you eating a banana with the message, " thinking of you at lunch time"...  now whatever you text to him.. make sure you follow through when he gets home ;)

2.  Try playing a game at bedtime.  On little scraps of paper write things like: tickle, caress, massage, kiss, lick, stroke, etc.. and through them in a bowl,  in another bowl write down body parts on scraps of paper.. not just the down there ones, but things like "neck, shoulder, hand..."  then take turns picking one from each bowl and doing what they say... it will be fun and silly at first, but will end up being some great hanky panky.

3.  Surprise him by wearing something "special" to bed..  If you don't feel comfortable wearing lingerie you can find something sexy to wear right in your closet... try wearing his dress shirt with strategic buttons undone, his tie loose around your neck, and a pair of heels.

Okay.. there are 3 simple, simple, simple  yet BOLD ideas for Hanky Panky... I dare you to try them out!

Verse of the Day