September 7, 2011

Adam and Eve

It was loud. Very loud. So I come upstairs to find two children in the hallway looking VERY guilty. Every upstairs door was closed and locked. (This is a favorite of my children if given the opportunity, and something I have asked them not to do in the the way.) There is a roll of robot themed wrapping paper on the floor between them. I look up on top of the doorframe where the key normally sits. And the key is not there. I look at them with (that mom look.)

Lincoln says... "Lia made my arm do it."

Lia pauses for a moment. Then looks down at the roll of robot wrap. (She is 3 years old!)

"Well, actually, the robot stick did it, mom."

Adam and Eve baby. And we don't really ever change do we?

Posted by Pamela Martin

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