September 28, 2009

New Bible study starting this Friday

Do you have too many things going on and don't have enough time for God? Find the time with us every Friday morning at 9:30 a.m. Our first study will be this Friday, Oct. 2, at Wendy Dickerson's home: 15416 Alcan St. in Olathe. We'll fellowship, spend time with the Lord and go through the book Smart Girls Think Twice by Jan Silvious. This group will be a safe place to share your prayers, concerns, struggles and problems. Come have a muffin and a cup of joe with us. It'll kick-start your weekend!

Childcare provided at cost.

Please contact Jody if you are interested: 913.620.2343.

September 21, 2009

Dining Devotion -- our newest small group

Ladies, please join us at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesdays (opposite Girls Just Wanna Have Fun; see dates at left) to enjoy some good food and great company while discussing various biblical topics.

An easy (but tasty!) dinner will be provided by a different person each time, and recipe cards (if the dinner was homemade) will be handed out so you can try it at home if you'd like.

If you enjoy eating, meeting new peers and digging into the Word, this group is for you! Sign up on Sunday at the women's table, or contact Kori (913-254-9793) or Shawna (913-787-3360). Hope to see you there.

September 16, 2009

Got a home-based business?

The ME (Mercy Entrepreneurs) & God life group recently held its first meeting – small but very nice. The group talked about their businesses and got to know each other over some hot tea and bagels. They'll continue meeting at 9 a.m. on Tuesday mornings, so if you have a home business (Avon, Tupperware, etc.) or provide a service (house cleaning, babysitting, etc.) consider joining them. The group will start out discussing the Proverbs 31 woman and go from there. If you have any questions, contact Kalena at 913-381-8240.

For the Life Group rally table on Sept. 27, the plan is to display a product or item related to each of the home businesses represented by the group. If you have something the group can borrow for the table display, please let Kalena know.


September 2, 2009

Diaper Drive kicks off this Sunday

The Mercy Church Women's Ministry is sponsoring a diaper drive for the Olathe school district's TAPS (Teens as Parents) program, and we need your help! TAPS provides much-needed support to pregnant teens and new mothers so they can stay in school and become successful parents. The program also provides the young women with maternity clothes, baby clothes, diapers and other baby items, as needed, all of which are provided through donations.

If you can help with the diaper drive, please drop off a package of diapers (or any new or gently used baby items) at the women's table on Sunday mornings. We'll be continuing the drive through the fall semester.

Thank you in advance, ladies, for helping our church show love to these precious young women and their children in our community. Any questions? See Wendy Dickerson, Tina Hartford, Kathy Waage, Sonta Wilburn or Brandi White.

Verse of the Day